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research and process.

artistic research #2

spring 2019 

Excerpt of the method “Movement”, a working method made by THIS IS A MOVEMENT during their artistic research #3 in spring 2019.

Movement is a working method based on our bodies needs and abilities, created to improve the quality of our work and our health simultaneously. The Movement method is based on trust, trusting that everyone in the group wants the best for the project, and upon acceptance, about our bodies, about time, about results, and about the fact that reality doesn’t allways match our expectations. 

One day with Movement: 

Every work day is planned after the structure where every activity is prepeared, executed and terminated. The day starts with a “starting routine” and ends with a “round up routine”, as rituals for entering a workspace and leaving it. There is a break in the middle of a sufficient length to gain new energy, and there is a planned time towards the end of the day called “buffer time” where all the random and unfinished work is done. This schedule helps the group to work efficient and makes the “abstract freelance and artistic work” be less abstract and more organized. 







Skärmavbild 2019-12-07 kl. 17.55.44.png
Skärmavbild 2019-12-07 kl. 17.57.07.png
Skärmavbild 2019-12-07 kl. 18.01.44.png
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